Flow Crew Photo Shoot #1 Recap

Flow Crew Photo Shoot #1 Recap

Operation: Launch my first brand and business.

Back in late 2022 I had set up all my samples to be ready to get posted to the site and ordered for ride wear for the photoshoot plans I had been drafting up. I began coordinating with friends, Matt and Steffen, on getting the three of us out to Pacifica to get a day of shooting and riding in. The weather we got in the beginning of 2023 had other plans...

Our first time out after the never ending storm season of 2023 eventually worked out in MAY, and what a relief after all that time waiting for the trails to dry up and our schedules to align. According to the plans made, we would get there in the morning for that well known morning coastal fog. Yet, after getting there around 10am, we had basically missed all of it. Sometimes that's just how it goes! 

My outdoor photography skills certainly were rusty so dialing in to get shots out of the full sunlight in certain parts of the mountain proved challenging. Shutter speed, aperture, ISO and all that fun stuff is crucial to get aligned for the best shots. You win some, you lose some. I also ran into some camera difficulties that I could not solve out on the trail. For next time I'll probably be renting some more professional gear to avoid that happening again. 

I had made another order of samples so that Steffen would have variety to wear for the day. Yet those did not show up in time so he did not have as many options as Matt. The final hiccup was my shot list that did not save to my phone from the cloud, and I improvised all the photos without that. Double check everything, is the big lesson learned!

All in all, I learned a lot from this day and we still had a good time getting up to Pacifica. Ending the day with a nice lunch at 'The Barn' on highway 1 in Half Moon Bay. These photos will help me in getting some material ready for the launch of the site, which you're now reading.

Thanks for the support in Flow Crew and the journey ahead.




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